School Improvement Plan

April 2020 – April 2021

Key Objective 1 – To ensure teaching and learning enables recall and retrieval of learning           

·        To develop the teacher’s understanding of cognitive load and how memories are formed and strengthened.               

·        To embed recall and retrieval practise in teaching            

Key Objective 2 – To improve maths teaching and learning          

·        To develop and establish maths teaching expectations  

Key Objective 3 –To ensure that the curriculum is right for our school community           

·        To ensure that the curriculum for the first half term is appropriate for the needs of children post lockdown               

·        To ensure children play a role in developing the curriculum.         

·        To ensure there is a clear coherent rationale for teaching the curriculum that is made clear to children.   

·        To ensure the curriculum is representative of the children in our community       

·        To ensure our curriculum is distinctively Christian and that school values are an explicit and integral part of our curriculum  

·        To ensure that all teachers have a clear understanding of the contribution that their year group makes to the development of skills in art, history, geography, science and DT.

·        To ensure teachers develop PSHE and RSE routinely, confidently and capably.     

Key Objective 4 – To have support in place for ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of staff and children.

·        To have a mental health policy in place that reflects procedures and protocols established in school.        

·        Raise staff awareness of mental health concerns and  what to do in the event of becoming aware of a mental health issue in themselves or others.     

Key Objective 5 – To ensure the governing body is efficient and effective            

·        Governors to work effectively and efficiently      

·        Governors to have a good knowledge of school processes to be able to hold the school and support the school effectively in the event of inspection.     

Key Objective 6 – To improve the digital literacy of the whole school community            

·        For staff to become familiar with the health wellbeing and lifestyle aspects of Education for a connected world.  

·        For staff to become familiar with the privacy and security, and copyright and ownership aspects of Education for a connected world. 

·        For staff to become familiar with the online bullying and online relationships aspects of Education for a connected world.            

Key objective 7 – to ensure that children are confident users of technology to support and aid their learning      

·        To develop the use of Google Drive and Google classroom to ensure children are confident users of technology to   

enhance learning.           

Key Objective 8 – To ensure effective home school communication.      

·        To manage parent expectations about home school communication.    

This is a summary of the School Improvement Plan for the year April 2020 to April 2021. A full detailed version is available on request from the school office.